A tale of challenge and ceaseless innovation
A period of pioneering
for the chemical and electronics
industries in Korea
for the chemical and electronics
industries in Korea
Historic first step
- Jan.
- LuckyChemical Co., Ltd. is established (now LG Chem)
- Korea’s cosmetics product “Lucky Cream” is produced
- Apr.
- LuckyChemical Co., Ltd. establishes the first cosmetics laboratory in Changsin-dong, Seoul
Opening of a new era in the chemical and electronics industries
- Jan.
- Chosun Alumite Industrial Co. is acquired
- Apr.
- Dongyang Electrochemical Industrial is established LuckyChemical Co., Ltd. factory is opened in Beomil-dong, Busan
- Aug.
- LuckyChemical Co., Ltd. introduces the first injection molding machine in Korea
- LuckyChemical Co., Ltd. produces Korea’s first plastic combs and soap cases under the Oriental trademark
- Oct.
- Dongyang Electrochemical Industrial is merged into LuckyChemical Co., Ltd.
- Nov.
- Lucky Industry is established (now LG International)
- Oct.
- LuckyChemical Co., Ltd. factory is opened in Yeonji-dong, Busan
- Sep.
- LuckyChemical Co., Ltd. starts to produce and sell toothpastes with registered trademarks, Lucky Toothpaste and Lucky.
- Apr.
- Lucky Industry changes name to Bando Corporation
- May
- LuckyChemical Co., Ltd. produces the first PVC pipe in Korea
- Oct.
- LuckyChemical Co., Ltd. holds public recruitment of college graduates
- Jan.
- LuckyChemical Co., Ltd. develops vinyl floor covering
- Oct.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. is established (now LG Electronics)
- Mar.
- LuckyOil and Fat Co., Ltd. is established
- Apr.
- Bando Corp. signs a distribution contract with Union Carbide International in the USA and Formosa Plastics in China, to supply various chemical products and synthetic resin raw materials to the domestic market
- Aug.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. registers its first trademark for electrical machinery and urea resin products
- Nov.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. produces the first Korean radio, A-501, bearing its trademark, Goldstar
Establishing Key Industries
- Mar.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. produces 6-transistor radios for the first time in Korea
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. produces 4-tube radios
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. produces 12-inch fans for the first time in Korea
- Apr.
- LuckyOil and Fat Co., Ltd. starts production of cosmetic and laundry soap including “Rainbow, Croba and Venus”
- LuckyOil and Fat Co., Ltd. Choeup Plant opened
- Jul.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. produces the first automatic telephone in Korea
- Feb.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. enters into a contract with Fuhrmeister in West Germany to borrow a non-guaranteed loan of 5 million marks to build a manufacturing facility for the cumulative watt-hour meters
- May
- Korea Cable Industry Co., Ltd. (now LS Cable) holds an inaugural general meeting
- Aug.
- LuckyVinyl Co., Ltd. established and inaugural general meeting held
- Oct.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. sends four electronic equipment engineers from its Overseas Technical Training Center to the Hitachi factory in Japan for the first time.
- Nov.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. exports 62 radios for the first time to Eisenberg, New York, USA
- Aug.
- LuckyVinyl Co., Ltd. opens and starts commissioning the Dongrae Plant
- Nov.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. produces Korea’s first cumulative electricity meter
- Mar.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. opens the General Electronic Electricity Plant in Oncheon-dong
- May
- The Kookje Daily News is acquired
- Sep.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. produces EMD type automatic telephone exchangers for the first time in Korea
- Apr.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. produces the first domestic refrigerator
- Jan.
- LuckyChemical Co., Ltd. merges with LuckyVinyl Co., Ltd.
- Apr.
- LuckyOil and Fat Co., Ltd. produces and sells synthetic detergents, “HiTi” and “New Hit” for the first time in Korea
- Aug.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. produces the first 19-inch black and white TV in Korea
- Sep.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. merges with Korea Cable Industry Co., Ltd.
- Oct.
- Bando Corp. exports reach USD 1 million
- Government selects Lucky Group’s Honam Oil Refinery as its 2nd Oil Refinery
- May
- Honam Oil Refinery (now GS Caltex) holds inaugural general meeting
- Jun.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. produces the first FM/AM radios in Korea
- Jul.
- LuckyOil and Fat Co., Ltd. develops and produces “Avon”, a liquid dishwashing detergent and “Cream Shampoo”, the first Korean shampoo
- Mar.
- LuckyChemical Co., Ltd. merges with LuckyOil and Fat Co., Ltd.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. produces the room air-conditioner in Korea
- Nov.
- Constructs and opens Yonam Library for the city of Jinju
- Feb.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. develops elevators and escalators for the first time in Korea
- Mar.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. develops and produces the first pump in Korea
- May
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. establishes the semiconductor manufacturing company, Goldstar Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Goldstar Co., Ltd. develops and produces the first Korean washing machine.
- Jun.
- Honam Oil Refinery opens the Yeosu plant with a daily production capacity of 60,000 barrels
- Oct.
- LuckyChemical Co., Ltd. is listed as the first private company on the Korea Stock Exchange
- Bando Corp, exports reach USD 5 million
- Goldstar Telecommunication is established
- Dec.
- Bando Corp. receives the Bronze Tower of the Order of Industrial Service Merit at the Export Day ceremony
- Lucky Development is established (now GS E&C)
- Lucky International is established
- Yonam Culture Foundation is established (now the LG Yonam Foundation)
- Chairman In-hwoi Koo passes away